What is HuskeeSwap?Updated 9 months ago
HuskeeSwap is our cup exchange system. It was designed with cafes in mind to make providing takeaway coffee in a reusable cup more appealing and convenient than disposable cups. By integrating HuskeeSwap into your service, it will help you and your customers to easily transition away from paper disposable cups.
Huskee's unique Opt-In purchase model with low-tech requirements ensures that our exchange system is simple and accessible to as many people as possible - all while reducing as many barriers to change as possible.
The biggest advantages for venues using the HuskeeSwap system are:
- Eliminating the costs of single-use disposables (both to the bottom-line and the planet)
- Adding a new revenue stream for your business
- Integrating to make reuse service easier
- Attract and supporting new and existing conscious consumers
The biggest advantages for your customers using the HuskeeSwap system are:
- Owning an elegant desirable cup with a great sustainability story, to use as they like
- Better than simply BYO - it is a 'cup with benefits'
- Opt-in and use the features that you want...when you want (STORE, BORROW, LOYALTY, and more)
- Swap for any size they want, no washing required, and always a fresh cup
Best of all - there are no ongoing costs to consider or manage for either businesses or customers!
It's FREE to join HuskeeSwap, and setup costs are minimal with ROI within 1-2 months on average.
Here's how it works:
- Buy: All your customer needs is a HuskeeCup
- Drop: Hand in your HuskeeCup and order as usual
- Swap: Collect your coffee in a fresh HuskeeCup
At Huskee, we believe it is all about choice and the ability to participate in reuse when and how you want. HuskeeSwap simply makes it an easy and elegant experience.
Together, we can transition to a waste-free world.
For more information on HuskeeSwap head to our page here
photo credit: @eastrowspecialtycoffee