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What if a customer brings back a damaged cup or lid?Updated 9 months ago

That's fine! If a customer brings back a damaged or unusable cup or lid please put it aside and serve the customer as usual. 

We actually want all cups back as part of our end-of-life program HuskeeLoop

As a thank you for being a part of HuskeeSwap, cafes are eligible to return up to 20 HuskeeCups per year at no cost back to us! We will credit your account for replacement cups. If you have more than this to return, our team will work with you to find the best option for you.

Cups returned to us are repurposed (100% cup, no additional virgin material added) into amazing new Huskee products like the Huskee Dog Bowl. This is circular economy in action. How cool is that? 

If you are a corporate client and/or you have damaged or unusable Huskee products, please email [email protected]
Find out more on the HuskeeLoop page.


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