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How many cups do I need to start?Updated 9 months ago

To get set up with HuskeeSwap, you need two sets of cups:

  1. Float stock: cups pre-washed and ready on your coffee machine, ready for use
  2. Retail stock: Cup available for retail sale. As a purchase model, customers buy their first cup from you to join the system. 

The minimum recommended number of cups you will need to start is somewhat hard to determine but based on two factors:
  1. What your daily volume of takeaway coffee trade is
  2. What your target customer reuse participation is

To make getting started easy, we have created HuskeeSwap Starter Packs based on a simple volume consideration:
  • 24 Cup Pack - Small volume Cafe (1-100 coffees/day)
  • 36 Cup Pack - Medium volume Cafe (100-250 coffees/day)
  • 48 Cup Pack - High volume Cafe (300+ coffees/day)

These are simply recommendations and there may be many reasons why you want to order more or different configurations. 

Through your Wholesale account or your preferred Huskee supplier, simply order more cups as you need them to top up your Retail float. 

To find out more about Starter Packs and to register for HuskeeSwap, go to the HuskeeSwap Cafe/Venue page.

Also check out the Huskee Impact Calculator for more information.


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