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How do I return end-of-life cups back to Huskee? (HuskeeSwap Venue)Updated a month ago

As a HuskeeSwap site, you are playing an extremely important role in giving customers an option to Swap or return their End-of-Life (EOL) HuskeeCups and get them back to us for a second life. 

As you hopefully recall, every Active HuskeeSwap site is eligible to return up to 20 cups/year to Huskee, at no cost! You will be reimbursed for the full cost of replacement of cups, and this allocation can be rolled over to subsequent years, as long as you remain active. 

This important part of the program allows customers a convenient way to use the Swap system, as well as return old or damaged cups, without your staff needing to worry. 

If you have (or receive) any EOL cups, this is what we would like you to do:

  1. Please hold on to individual cups and lids (in storage or other safe place) until you have enough to send to us in bulk. Please do not send 1-2 at a time if possible (unless doing this as part of a regular RecycleSmart pickup). 

  1. Send them back to us using the RecycleSmart program! Using our discount code you can book a pickup and include your HuskeeCups, along with other eligible ‘hard-to-recycle’ items like soft-plastics! It’s simple to book and they will come to your door. No hassles, no staff time spent going to the post office, so that you can focus on your service, and what you do best - great coffee! For further details on this option, click here.

  1. If RecycleSmart is not available for you, please reach out to [email protected] and we will assist you with returning your cups and getting credit to your account. 

If you have any further questions about HuskeeLoop or the HuskeeSwap program and EOL, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

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