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How do I use the HuskeeSwap app?Updated a year ago

The HuskeeSwap app is FREE and your go-to for participating in HuskeeSwap. The app allows you to Swap, Borrow store or Withdraw all while tracking your impact. 

To download the HuskeeSwap app on the Apple App Store click here 
To download the HuskeeSwap app on the Google Play store click here 
The HuskeeSwap App will allow you to scan and use your venue's QR code (please note that QR codes have to be scanned using the App, and will not work using your camera alone).
The HuskeeApp will take you through a short tutorial, and on the main screen you will have the following options:
SWAP a Cup:
To swap a HuskeeCup simply line up your phone's camera to the HuskeeSwap site's QR code and show your screen to the barista. From here, you will be able to Swap your HuskeeCup for a clean one with your favourite coffee order. This Swap feature can be used to count towards your digital HuskeeSwap loyalty card or simply to track your impact!
If you forget your HuskeeCup (don't worry, it happens), you are still able to participate in the HuskeeSwap system. Simply scan the QR code provided by the HuskeeSwap site and provide your bank details. A deposit of $21 AUD will be held until you return the HuskeeCup. You will have 7 days to return it before being charged.
STORE or Withdraw a Cup 
To store a cup, line up your phone's camera to the HuskeeSwap site QR code to scan. Then simply hand over your cup to the barista to keep safe for you. If you're out and about all day, there's no need to carry your used cup around with you.
Your Impact
Every time that you swap a HuskeeCup, you are making a positive impact in reducing the amount of single-use coffee cups that end up in landfill. You can also track the amount of carbon eq. saved, which is the greenhouse gas emissions arising from a product's manufacture, transportation, use, and disposal.
But it takes a collective to make a true impact! With the HuskeeSwap app, you can view both your impact and the collective Huskee Community,  just swipe right.
At the bottom of your screen you will be able to access:
Find your nearest HuskeeSwap cafe by searching your location in the search bar at the top of the screen. Our map will populate the closest HuskeeSwap locations to you!
Don't see a HuskeeSwap site near you, why not invite your fave cafe to join? You can help us onboard new cafes to our HuskeeSwap system by clicking here {include link to FAQ}
See all of your digital loyalty cards from HuskeeSwap sites and collect a stamp for every Swap that you make. You can collect stamps every time you order (at participating venues which have opted-in to the loyalty program). Once you have collected enough stamps, you can claim your free coffee and get rewarded for saving the planet, one cup at a time!
Cup Library: 
View all of your stored and borrowed cups within the HuskeeSwap system.




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